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Project Scope: May, 2022 - Present
Project Type: Full Time Work
Responsibilities: User Research, UX + UI, Product Design

Project Overview

Museum of Earth is a groundbreaking experience with a purpose — a place to reconnect with the most spectacular elements of nature. It is meant to provide an interactive journey to the dreamiest corners of the planet that all of us share using awe to drive action for an estimation of 600,000 visitors. Opening 2023 in Los Angeles. It’s an interactive journey across four primary experiential chapters, Flora, Sky, Earth and Sea, using 360° multi-sensory physical installations, immersive projections & augmented reality creates a visceral, emotional connection for each visitor. My role in this project is to provide insights on interactive opportunities across the exhibitions, ideate digital concepts as well as physical installation in sections such as Call-to-Action Impact Space, Community Event Venue, Design Innovation Incubator,  Integrated Retail, Food & Beverage Lounge, Outdoor Courtyards.

Carlee is visiting the MoE from L.A. with two other girlfriends from school for some fun on a Saturday. Age: 22 years old. 
More savvy about these types of experiences and the market in general.
Expecting something immersive, interactive, photo opportunities, up on the tech possibilities.
Aware of the space around design and brands -- savvy, educated, sophisticated. They have probably thoroughly researched this museum and the area -- know where they are going for lunch afterwards. Knows what to expect and what they're going for.
Might expect a little bit of A/R & Social Sharing System.
Have fun with friends
See and experience something new

Michelle and Cliff (MILLENNIALS & KID -- Ages 35, 31, and 5 & 15 Y/O) have driven down to LA from Northern Cal with their young daughter Abby. She is 5 years old & 15 Y/O Cousin. They're visiting Cliff's in-laws. They heard the exhibits are cool and thought that the interactive element would be fun and educational for their daughter. 15 year old with climate anxiety. The couple - they've been to experiences like this before. They've taken their kids already to several.... This is a market and an activity that's familiar. They are happy this is offering more but isn't a kids museum OR strictly educational. Something for them, too. Hoping for a great time for all the people they brought. Everyone can be entertained - grandma too! Multi-generational visit -- the optimism piece is a big part of that.... an optimistic future. Get into the world with my child to expose her to something new Have a scheduled "activity" so she isn't bouncing off the walls Get away from my in-laws for an afternoon and have fun

Project Delivery

Throughout my time working on YCharts, I have successfully delivered many products, Economic Indicator, Economic Calendar, Tear Sheets, Account Setting, Fundamental Chart and more. All of these were welcomed and received many positive feedbacks from the loyal users of the platform. 




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